
Drawing the architecture

After starting the program, the following window will be displayed:

Select “New project” to start a new project, and the following window will be displayed:

The available options are:

  1. Create “predefined” architecture: here you can find a selection of predefined architectures to quickly draw the architecture.
  2. Draw the architecture “manually”: This option allows you to draw the architecture manually for more precision and to create one with a different shape than the “automatic” ones.
To begin with, we will create a predefined square architecture.

The following window is displayed, where you can select the measurement of each wall (A, B, C), as well as their height and thickness:

We leave the default values and accept.

And now we have our predefined architecture created in our project.

Advanced options for drawing architecture in Quick3DPlan

You can watch a more advanced video on how to draw architecture in Quick3DPlan here:

Insert doors and windows

Now we will add a door and a window to the architecture. To do this, click on the “Architecture” tab, and then on “Add Door” :

Now the program prompts us to select a wall. Let’s place the door on the right wall, for example:

The following window appears, where you can select the measurements of the door, the model, and whether you want it to be automatically placed in the center of the wall. In this example, we are placing it manually, so click on Accept.

After accepting, you can directly select the position of the door with the mouse. Place it in this position, for example:

We repeat the process to now add a window, which we will place on the upper wall, and centered on it.

This is how our architecture will look with the door and window already inserted.

(NOTE: You can switch directly from 2D to 3D by clicking on these tabs in the bottom left corner of the program.)

Save project

This is a good time to save the project by clicking on the “Save as” option and giving it a name.

Now we move on to inserting some furniture.

Click on the “Next” button to continue with the course.

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