How the lights work and how to configure them correctly

How lights work

Quick3DPlan and Quick3DClosets have 10 independent lights that can be modified from the “Photo -> Lights” menu. Parameters such as height [1], intensity [2], shadows [3], activating or deactivating them [4] and their position [5], can be changed in the lights edition window:

Most common mistakes

One of the most important factors in order to obtain a good photorealistic image of the kitchen we are designing is to improve the illumination of it.

Among the most common mistakes made by Quick3DPlan or Quick3DCloset users when it comes to illuminating their projects are the following:

  • Place the lights outside the architecture or inside the furniture itself. You can see an example in this capture with the “Light 4”, how it is placed outside the room:

VIDEO: In the video below you can see how to place every light in your design:

  • Having all (or almost all) the lights activated.

  • Configuring the lights intensity with a high value (an intensity value of 90 or 100 is very high).

Tips for improving the lighting

To improve the lighting of your kitchens and get a photorealistic image, follow these steps:

  1. Once the kitchen is finished, put the design in 2D, reduce the zoom, go to the “Photo -> Lights” section, and place the lights you want to place inside the room. Keep in mind that lights that are badly placed, have no effect or can even damage the display of the kitchen.

  VIDEO: Watch this video to learn how to move the lights:

  1. It is not always necessary to activate all lights in all kitchens. It is recommended to activate 2-3 lights in the smallest, and 3-5 in the largest, well distributed, and activating the shadow only in one light.

  2. Set the light intensity in values between 5-20, and modifying the elevation of them, according to the needs of the kitchen and the project.

  3. Finally, we must bear in mind that each kitchen is a world, and that getting good lighting is based much on practice, and trial and error, activating or deactivating lights, lowering or raising the intensities a little, modifying the elevation of them, etc.
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