How to place a 35-cm folding door cabinet above a refrigerator

First, place the 2-meter tall combi refrigerator. Next, click on the “Add unit” window [1], and within the furniture insertion window, select “Wall units -> Height 35 -> Normal[2]. At the bottom, choose the “1 flap door” option [3], click on the “Mouldings” button [4], deactivate the “Light pelmet” option [5], and accept this window [6]:

Next, to place this cabinet above the combi fridge, click on the “upward arrow[7] in the “Automatic insertion” section (*the refrigerator should be the “base furniture”; if not, you can select it as the “base furniture” using this button [8]). You can see it in this screenshot:

Next, to align it with the front of the combi fridge, use the “Move” tool [9], select the cabinet you placed earlier [10], and in the new window that appears, click on the “downward arrow[11] until the cabinet is aligned with the front of the refrigerator:

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